Robert H. Bahmer, Assistant Archivist of the United States; E. E. Burke,
Chief Records Officer of the Central African Archives; Meredith B. Colket,
Jr., The National Archives; Wayne C. Grover, Archivist of the United States;
James J. Hennesey, S. J., Assistant Archivist, Woodstock College; William
S. Jenkins, Director of the State Records Microfilm Project of the University
of North Carolina and the Library of Congress; James H. Saltow, Research
Associate at Colonial Williamsburg and Mrs. James H. Saltow, Assistant
Librarian, Colonial Williamsburg; T. R. Schellenberg, Director of Archival
Management, The National Archives; Fred Shelley, Librarian, New Jersey
Historical Society.
Also: Kenneth Carroll, Professor of Religion, Southern Methodist Uni-
versity; William H. Cottingham, Ministre des Mines de la Province de Quebec;
Lloyd R. Craighill, Rector of St. James' Parish, Lothian; Maud E. Dilliard,
Author of Ahoy, The Peggy Stewart!; Edwin M. Fisher, Rector of St. Mary
Anne's Episcopal Church, North East; Admiral W. Rea Furlong; Louise Hall,
Professor of Sociology, Duke University; Joseph A. Haller, S. J., Professor,
Woodstock College; Wade Hampton, Rector of All Hallow's Parish, David-
sonville; John B. Lambert, Jr., Associate Professor of Social Studies, North
Carolina State University; William E. Lednum, Warden of Christ Church,
St. Micheals; Arthur L. Lyon-Vaiden, Rector of St. George's Parish, Ferry-
man; Eric McDermott, S. J., historian of Southern Maryland; Walter Min-
chinton, Professor at the University College of Swansea in Wales; Admiral
Kenneth H. Noble; James J. Ruddick, S. J., Professor, Woodstock College.
The following members of The Baltimore Bibliophiles spent the evening
of May 28, 1956, inspecting the various departments of the Hall of Records,
as well as Mr. Edward S. Corcoran's special exhibit of rare books, papers and
maps: Elizabeth Baer, Librarian, John Work Garrett Library; James H.
Bready, The Baltimore Sun; Paul S. Clarkson, attorney and historian; Edward
S. Corcoran, bibliophile and antiquarian; Kent D. Currie, distinguished type
designer; Harry S. Dickey, rare book collector; Frederick R. Goff, Rare Books
Division, The Library of Congress; Howell J. Heany, Bibliographer, Rare
Book Department, The Free Library of Philadelphia; Dorothy Miner, Librarian
and Keeper of Manuscripts, The Walters Art Gallery; Ellen Shaffer, Rare
Book Librarian, The Free Library of Philadelphia; Harold A. Williams, Editor,
the Baltimore Sunday Sun; Robert Wirth, Curator of Education, Baltimore
Museum of Art.
The members of the class in Archival Administration who spent two
days at the Hall of Records were the following: Sister Mary Amata, Archivist,
St. Clara Convent, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin; M. Elinor Betts, Editorial Assistant