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Fourteenth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1949
Volume 451, Page 49   View pdf image (33K)
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—Executive and Administrative Departments", sub'title "Hall
of Records Commission", be and it is hereby repealed and re'
enacted, with amendments, and that two new sections be and they
are hereby added, said new sections to be known as Sections
127B and 127C, to follow immediately after Section 127A of
said Article, and to read as follows:

127A. If the Commission shall decline to accept any original
papers, official books, records, documents or files offered to it
under the provisions of Section 127, then the custodian thereof,
with the written approval of the Board of Public Works, is
authorised and empowered to destroy the same. After such
records are destroyed, the custodian thereof shall file with the Hall
of Records a list of all papers, books, documents and files destroyed
and a certificate of destruction. Such lists shall be retained in
the custody of the Archivist and shall be available at reasonable
times to inspection by the members of the public. Nothing in
this section shall authorise the destruction of (a) papers, books,
documents or files which have been in custody for a period of
less than three years or such other period as may be expressly
prescribed by statute, (b) public records required by statute to be
maintained permanently, (c) permanent books of account, (d)
the records of any Court of record in this State; but the "house-
keeping" records or the records of internal management of the
offices of Clerks of Court and Registers of Wills shall not be
considered "records of a Court" for the purpose of this Act and
shall be subject to disposal as described above.

127B. For the purposes of Section 127A, the following types
of material shall not be considered "records": printed books,
magazines, newspapers and other library or museum materials
made or acquired for reference or exhibition purposes, extra
copies of documents preserved only for convenience of reference,
stocks of publications, acceptances or refusals of invitations or
engagements and other personal business of public officers.
From time to time the Hall of Records Commission may further
designate categories which may be included within the definition
of "non-record material". And such non-record materials may
be disposed of by the custodian when he shall deem them to be
no longer necessary for the operation of his office.


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Fourteenth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1949
Volume 451, Page 49   View pdf image (33K)
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