Prince George's County Will Records
Liber No. 1, 16984770...........................
634 pages
Liber T. No. 1, 1770-1808.........................
654 pages
Provincial Court Judgments
Liber T. L. No. 2, 1696...........................
208 pages
Liber E. I. No. 4, 1737-1738........................
482 pages
Liber D. D. No. 5, 1762-1764......................
533 pages
Talbot County Land Records
Liber R. F. No. 9, 1700-1705.......................
392 pages
Liber R. F. No. 10, 1705-1707, ....................
454 pages
Washington County Balance Book
1778-1805 .....................................
163 pages
Washington County Land Records
Liber C. No. 3, 1783-1784........................
785 pages
Liber D. No. 4, 1784-1786.........................
805 pages
Liber E. No. 5, 1786-1788.........................
1,130 pages
Worcester County Land Records
Liber E, 1760-1763 ..............................
552 pages
Liber F, 1763-1766...............................
556 pages
Liber I, 1772-1776...............................
664 pages
Worcester County Wills
Liber J. W. No. 4, 1769-1783 .....................
534 pages
Parchments flattened .................................
2 pages
Proceedings of the Lower House, 1769-1783
Reinforced for binding..............................
380 pages
Total .........................................
, 20,574 pages
A good deal of progress was made last year in our program of photo'
stating for the use of the counties the land records through the year 1788,
the originals of which remain at the Hall of Records. We completed the
work in Dorchester County which had been initiated two years before,
Worcester County, which began the year before, and Washington County,
which began and ended in the course of the year. The work in Talbot
continued satisfactorily, and we did the first volume of Montgomery
There remains to be done on the Eastern Shore the rest of Talbot,
Caroline and Cecil Counties and on the Western Shore the rest of Mont-
gomery and Harford Counties. Since both Caroline and Harford are late
counties, as is Montgomery, our only remaining major task is Cecil County.
The number of pages photocopied this year on order was greater than ever