As the detailed report which follows will indicate, the repair room
staff laminated something over twenty thousand pages of manuscript in
the course of the fiscal year. This is by far the best year we have had, and
it is especially remarkable because over four thousand of these pages were
original wills, many of which required the removal and replacement of wax
seals. This most successful year is due to the fact that we were able to
have two experienced workers for the whole period. More than six years
had passed since the last time that had occurred. Unfortunately, the present
fiscal year does not promise so well, as Mrs. Jane R. Moss, who has been
an employee in the repair room since 1937, will reach the statutory retire-
ment age on December 1; and the second technician, who is the wife of a
student, will probably leave Annapolis on his graduation toward the end
of the fiscal year.
The materials laminated during the course of the year are the
Liber No. 55, 1766...............................
368 pages
Anne Arundel Administration Accounts
Liber J. G. No. 1, 1787-1792.......................
455 pages
Anne Arundel County Deeds
Liber B. B. No. 3, 1763-1768........................
6 pages
Army Ledger
Liber No. 1, 1777-1783 ...........................
266 pages
Council Proceedings
1791-1793 ....................................
284 pages
Dorchester County Land Records
Liber No. 26, 1772-1773 ..........................
462 pages
Liber No. 27, 1773-1775 .........................
440 pages
Liber No. 28, 1775-1777...........................
464 pages
Dorchester County Marriage License Records
Liber No. 1, 1780-1811 .".........................
118 pages
Liber No, 7, 1722................................
367 pages
Kent County Land Records
Liber J. S. No. 16, 1730-1734......................
462 pages
Kent County Original Wills
Boxes 1-18, 1669-1801 ...........................
5,088 pages
Prince George's County Original Wills
Boxes 4-16, 1729-1799............................
2,866 pages