Balance reverted as follows:
To the General Emergency Fund,...........$540.00
To the General Treasury...............$509.53
Receipts for Photostating, Microfilming, Certifying,
Hall of Records Publications, HRS Publications
and postage this year............................ $ 605.14
Receipts for 1944........................... 589.25
Receipts f or 1943 (9 months).................. 279.42
Receipts for services performed by the Hall of Records are
deposited to the credit of the General Funds of the State Treas-
In order to reduce the burden of correspondence, it has been
the custom of the Hall of Records to extend credit to researchers
who send mail orders for photocopying or other services. This
policy has been proved sound by the fact that in the ten years of
its history only one account for $1.62 has proved to be uncollect-
ible. After carrying this amount on our books for several
years we were granted permission by the Board of Public Works
to write it off. We do not feel that this one loss would justify
a change in our credit policy.
From June 11 through June 30, 1945, the American Univer-
sity, in cooperation with the National Archives and the Mary-
land Hall of Records, offered an intensive training program in
the Preservation and Administration of Archives. Three of the
twenty-one days were spent by the class in Annapolis where the
course was conducted by the Archivist assisted by other mem-
bers of the staff of the Hall of Records. On June 15, the subject
was indexing, on June 20, the class studied physical preserva-
tion and repair of records, and on June 25, a demonstration was
given of the various modern methods of reproducing historical
materials. This course was directed by Dr. Ernest Posner, Dean
of the Graduate School of American University, who gave it the
benefit of his many years experience as an archivist and lec-
turer on archival problems. The success of the course indicates
that it would be worthwhile to repeat it during the coming sum-
mer. In such an event, the Hall of Records will, of course, be
pleased to cooperate.
Among the distinguished visitors to the Hall of Records was
Professor Jose Cornejo Franco, Librarian of the University of