The first employee to be benefited by the pension plan of
1941, Mrs. Josephine E. Jickling, retired August 1, 1944, after
six years of loyal service. Unhappily, Mrs. Jickling enjoyed
these benefits for only a few months before her death the follow-
ing November. The new member of the staff appointed to take
Mrs. Jiekling's place in the Research Room is Miss Lulu V.
Ebaugh, for many years Librarian of St. John's College.
At the conclusion of the 1944 fiscal year the sum of $3,672.63
remained unexpended. Of this total $3,650.64 was spent and
$21.99 was reverted to the General Funds of the State.
General appropriations for the fiscal year 1945 totalled
$32,211 including the sum of $540 which did not appear in the
printed budget and which was granted by the Board of Public
Works from the General Emergency Fund for the employment
of a half-time relief watchman. This watchman was needed in
order to permit the three regular watchmen to have one day off
a week.
Of this total appropriation, $28,390.42 was expended,
$318,30 was reserved to meet obligations incurred in the fiscal
year 1945 and not satisfied by July 1, 1945, $540 was returned to
the General Emergency Fund in accordance with the desire of
the Board of Public Works that unexpended balances of no mat-
ter what origin and up to the amount allotted originally from
this fund be returned to it, $509.53 was reverted to the General
Funds of the State, and $2,500 appropriated in Budget Item
No. 208-A for the Publication of County Records was, with the
consent of the Board of Public Works, carried forward into the
new year.
... $32,211.00
Salary refund ....................................
Total Appropriation...................................
Actual expenditures...................................
Obligated funds carried forward......
Unobligated funds carried forward.........
... 2,500.00
Balance ...................................
$ 1,049.53