Guadalajara, Mexico. Professor Cornejo Franco was accom-
panied by Mrs. Cornejo Franco and Dr. H. M. Lydenberg, Direc-
tor of the Board on International Relations of the American
Library Association. Other visitors were Dr. Ernest Posner,
Dean of the Graduate School of American University, Dr. Oliver
W. Holmes, Program Adviser at the National Archives, Abbe
Honorius Provost, Assistant Archivist at the University of
Laval, Quebec, Mr. William J. Barrow of the Virginia State
Library, Miss Lilia de Castillio Freire of the Ministry of Labor,
and Miss Hylce de la Martins of the Department of Public Ser-
vice, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Dr. J. Montgomery Gambrill,
professor of American History at the Johns Hopkins University.
It addition, Professor Posner brought for a one-day visit his
class in Archival Administration offered by the American Uni-
versity and the National Archives.
The Archivist spoke before the College Women's Club of
Annapolis, the Young Adult Fellowship of Calvary Methodist
Church and the Kiwanis Club. Mr. Thomas spoke before the
National Genealogical Society in Washington. Meetings of the
Maryland Library Association were attended by Miss Ebaugh
and Mr. Thomas.
Several members of the staff attended the annual meeting of
the Society of American Archivists held at Harrisburg. Mr.
Thomas served on the publicity committee, the Archivist con-
tinued to serve as a member of the Council and as a member of
the auditing committee; for the present year he is also chair-
man of the nominating and program committees.
Weekly meetings of the class in Archival Administration
offered by the American University and the National Archives in
Washington were attended by Mrs. Hartsook and Mr. Skordas.
One of the primary purposes of the Tercentenary Com-
mission was the establishment at Annapolis of a Memorial Hall
of Records in which would be housed all the non-current records
not only of the State government but of the counties and towns
as well. When the Hall of Records opened, the first Archivist
set himself immediately to the task of collecting County Records.