arranging them. The old folders have been replaced with new folders
and the papers boxed, but the original arrangement has been retained.
In addition, there were 60 parchment deeds and patents dating from
1677 to 1806 lying loose in the pasteboard box. They have been flat-
tened, placed in folders, arranged, boxed and listed.
Borne Papers. Papers relating to the Bowie family. They have
been unfolded, placed in folders, arranged chronologically, boxed and
calendared, 1683-1929, 352 folders in 10 boxes.
Thomas Papers. Mostly papers relating to the Thomas family, two
of whom, Francis and William, were Governors of Maryland. These
papers also have been unfolded, placed in folders, arranged, boxed and
calendared, 1684-1849, 467 folders in 11 boxes.
General Handy Papers. Letters, returns and other official papers
received by General Handy in line of duty. As a calendar was received
with the papers the only attention they required was to be placed in
folders and boxed, 18444848, 47 folders in one box.
Calendar of the Black Books. The manuscript of this calendar was
ready for the printer by the end of the fiscal year, as had been promised
in the Archivist's Annual Report for last year. Due to relays in print-
ing directly attributed to the War this volume is only now coming off
the press. In addition to calendar entries for the more than 1500 items
in this our largest collection of Colonial State papers, there is a
proper name index, a subject index and a finding key permitting the
location of any item In the Calendar if there is previous knowledge of
the number of the item as It is now bound in the Black Books. This
key was made necessary because all the materials have been listed in
chronological order in the Calendar no matter what their arrangement
In the Black Books themseltes.
Catalogue of Archival Material, Hall of Records. This catalogue
which is now ready for distribution contains a description of every
series of records in the Hall of Records, a sketch of the history of the
office of origin and a more or less detailed history of the records them-