buying and selling all sorts of Commodities, either
Wholesale or Retail: shewing at one view, The amount or
Value of any number or quantity of Goods or Merchandise,
from one up to one hundred and forty four, at the va-
rious Prices, from a Farthing to seven Shillings and six
Pence per Pound, Yard, Bushel, Gallon, &c. [fllet]
Baltimore: Printed by Samuel Sower, 1801.
[120] p. 14 cm. i-A.,2 B-K6 L4.
NN. [21]
Franklin, Benjamin.
[Life and works of the late Benjamin Franklin. Bal-
timore, Thomas, Andrews & Butler, l801]
Ford 457 (Philadelphia, W. W. Woodward, 1801) is
probably not this work, which was advertised in the Bal-
timore Telegraphe, June 9» 1801, as "They have in the
press, nearly finished, a new Edition."
No copy known. [22]
Freemasons. Baltimore. Concordia Lodge No. 13.
Bye Laws of the Concordia Lodge, No. 13 held in the
City of Baltimore, by Charter from the Grand Lodge of
Maryland. [filet] Baltimore: Printed by Samuel Sower,
No. 190, Market-Street. [filet] M,DCCCI.
20 p. 20 cm. [a-b]4 [c]2.
MdBFM. [23]
Freemasons. Maryland. Grand Lodge.
Extract of Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons, of the State of Maryland. [filet] At
an Half Yearly Communication held in the City of Balti-
more, on the 11th day of May, A.D. 1801, A.L. 5801:
[Baltimore, l801]
c3] p. 26 cm. Without imprint.
Caption title.
MdBFM. [24]
Freemasons, Maryland. Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, of the State
of Maryland. [filet] At a regular half yearly communi-
cation held in the city of Baltimore, on the 9th day of
November, A.D. 1801, A.L. 5801: [Baltimore, l801]
[2] P. 24 cm. Without imprint.