The Democratic Songster: being a collection of new
Republican Songs, mostly Origionals. To which is added,
A Number of Toasts, drank at the Celebration of the com-
plete Triumph of Republicanism in America. [cut: tree3
C2 lines, quotation] [filet] Baltimore Printed for
Keatinge's Book Store. 1801.
1 leaf, [5]-28 P. 17.5 cm. [a]l [b]4 [c]8
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Jan. 21, 1801,
as "Just Published."
MH. [l8]
Dietrick, Jacob D.
A Catalogue of Jacob D, Die trick's Circulating Li-
brary, consisting of History, Voyages, Novels, &c. now
kept in Hagers-Town adjoining his Book—Paint—&, Hard-
ware—Store. [double rule] Utile dulci [rule]
[5 lines, quotation] [rule] Hagers-Town, Maryland:
Printed by John Gruber, 1801.
98 p. 17 cm.
Text In English and German.
Reichmann 72.
Dietrick advertised his circulating library In the
Hagerstown Maryland Herald, Aug. 12, 1803, as follows:
"Circulating Library ... It shall commence with about
400 volumes ... a catalogue of which will be published,
as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers offer, to
Indemnify the undertaking." If this later catalogue was
ever Issued, no copy Is known.
MdH. [19]
[Penning, Daniel]
Der Geschwinde Rechner, oder Nutzlicher Gehulfe In
Handel; da der Werth von alien Waaren, von einera Halben
Pens zu Sleben Schilling und Sechs Pens, und von einem
Pfund, Yard, Galle, Buschel, &c. bis auf 144 berechnet,
zu finden 1st. Erste Auflage. [within oval printing
ornament-j [filet] Baltimore, Gedruckt bey Samuel Saur,
[120] p. 14 cm. [A]2 B-K6 L4.
Seidensticker p. 155. Reichmann 68,
DLC; MWA; MdBE; MdHi (sig. B lacking); PPG; PPL. [20]
[Penning, Daniel]
The Ready Reckoner, or Trader's Useful Assistant, In