Caption title. Pages [3-4] blank.
MdBFM. [25]
Freemasons. Maryland. Grand Lodge.
List of Brethren of the Society of Free and Accepted
Masons, composing the respective Lodges working under
the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, A.D.
1801 ...... A.L. 5801. [row of dots;, Printed by order
of the R. W. G. L. [row of dots] Baltimore: From the
Press of Brother A. Martin [1801]
[24] p. 6.5 x 10.5 cm. A12.
"Resolved, That the Grand Secretary ... cause to be
printed ... a list of the names of all the members ...
and ... deliver to each Lodge such number of copies as
there are members returned from each Lodge."—Proceed-
ings of the Grand Lodge, Half Yearly Communication, 13th
May, 1801.
MWA (sig. A 11 torn out). [26]
Friends, Society of. London Yearly Meeting.
The Epistle from the Yearly Meeting held In London,
By Adjournments, from the 20th of the Fifth Month, to
the 2d of the Sixth Month, inclusive; To the Quarterly
and Monthly Meetings of Friends In Great Britain, Ire-
land and elsewhere, [imprint on outside fold] [rule3
Baltimore: Printed by Samuel Sower. [rule] [l801-,
3 p. 34 x 21 cm. fold, to 21 x 9 cm.
Caption title.
"l801. 11 Mo. 14. To cash paid John McKim for Sam-
uel Sowers bill ... for printing 1500 Epistles."—Trea-
suruer's Accounts, Balt. Yearly Meeting.
MWA; MdBFr. [2?]
Gospel News, or a Brief Account of the Revival of Re-
ligion in Kentucky, and several other parts of the Unit-
ed States. Likewise, Some pleasing late Accounts of the
Success and Prospect of the Everlasting Gospel in the
East-Indies. [rule] [2 lines, quotation] [rule] [2
lines, quotation] [rule] [2 lines, quotation] [rule3
Baltimore.....Printed in the Year 1801.
24 p. 19 cm. Without signatures.
On verso of t.p.: The Publishers. Baltimore, Novem-
ber 14, 1801,
Advertised in the Baltimore Telegraphe, Dec. 4, 1801,