scriber, on the 27th of October, Negro George. [10
lines] E. Cain, Harford County. November 21, 1801.
[Baltimore? l801]
broadside 25 x 22 cm. Without imprint.
MdHi. [13]
Catholic Church, Liturgy and ritual. Directory. Bal-
timore (Archdiocese)
[0rdo Divini Officii recitandi pro Anno Domini
M,DCCC,II. Baltimore, J. W. Butler, l8013
Parsons 228.
No copy known. [14]
The Complete Pocket Farrier: wherein is contained al-
most every Disorder to which American Horses are inci-
dent to: With proper Directions how to perfect the
Cures. [filet] To which is added, an Appendix, con-
taining directions for the management of Cows, Sheep,
and Hogs, &c. &c. [filet] Frederick-Town: Printed by
Matthias Bartgis. [l801] [Entered according to Act of
58, ii p. 15.5 cm. A-E6.
Brackets in original around "Entered ... Congress."
Advertised in Bartgis' Republicar Gazette, Apr. 8,
l801, as "Just in the press, and will speedily be pub-
lished at this office."
MdHi. [15]
[Counting house Calendar for 1802. Baltimore, War-
ner & Hanna, l801]
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Gazette, Nov. 26,
1801, as " Also Just published, A correct and elegant
counting house Calendar for 1802, and may be had at all
the book-stores ii. the city. Price 12 1/2 cents."
No copy known. [l6]
Bay, Thomas.
The History of Sandford and Merton, a Work intended
for the Use of Children. [filet] [2 lines, quotation3
fShort double rule] III Volumes in one. tshort double
rule] By Thomas Day, Esq. [thick-thin rule] Balti-
more: Printed by Warner & Hanna, No. 37, Market-street,
corner of South Gay-street, [short rule] 1801.
403 p. 17 cm. A-2K6 2L4.
DLC; MdBP; MWA; OC. [17]