and Sold at their Book-Store, corner of South Gay and
Market-Street s. rshort thick-thin rule] 1803.
347, [l] p. 16.5 cm. A-T6 X-2G6.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Gazette, Oct. 12,
1803, as "this day published."
DAU; DLC; MB; MWA; MdBE; MdHi; NN; V1U. [186]
[Hanson, Alexander Contee] 1749-1806.
Publications relative to the Difference of Opinion
between the Governor and the Council on their respective
Powers. [filet] Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green,
Printer to the State. [short thick-thin rule] 1803.
iv, 138 p. 2015 cm. [A]-B8 C-Q4(-Q4).
Sabin 66525.
DLC (2 copies); MWA; MdHi (2 copies); NN. Garrett,
Hargrove, John.
The Substance of a Sermon, on the Leading Doctrines
of the New Jerusalem Church; delivered the 26th Decem-
ber, 1802, before the President of the United States and
several Members of Congress, at the Capitol, in the City
of Washington, By John Hargrove, Minister of the New Je-
rusalem Church, Baltimore. [thick-thin rule] [Balti-
more-] Printed by Warner & Hanna.....1803.
1 leaf, 11, [5-1-24 p. 21 cm. [a]2 A-B4 C2.
Sabin 30375.
Advertised in the Baltimore American Patriot, Jan.
27, 1803, as "Just Published."
CSmH; DLC (2 copies); ICMe; IEG; MBAt; MBNC; MWA;
MdBE; N; NN; NNS; PPAmP; PPL. [l88]
An Historical Account of the Kingdom of Slam: to
which is added a Collection of Siamese Tales and Sto-
ries, told to the Son of the Mandarin, Sam-Sib, for the
purpose of engaging his Mind in the Love of Truth and
Virtue. To which are added the principal Maxims of the
Talapoins. [filet] Translated from the Siamese. [fl-
let] [2 lines, quotation] [thick-thin rule] Baltimore:
Printed for Thomas, Andrews & Butler. [short thick-thin
rule-, 1803.
178, [1] p. 17 cm. [A]6 B-P6.
MWA. [189]