3 p. 25 cm.
Caption title.
Friends, Society of. London Yearly Meeting.
The Epistle from the Yearly-Meeting, held in London,
By Adjournments, from the l8th to the 26th of the Fifth
Month, 1803, inclusive: To the Quarterly and Monthly-
Meetings of Friends, in Great-Britain, Ireland and else-
where. [imprint on outside fold] [rule] Baltimore:
Printed by George L. Gray, [rule] [1803]
4 p. 33 x 20 cm. fold, to 20 x 9 cm.
Caption title.
"It Is now concluded to reprint 1500 copies of the
London general epistle."—Minutes of the Balt. Yearly
Meeting, Oct. 10-14, 1803.
"1803. 11th Mo. To Cash paid Phillip E. Thomas, the
amount of printers bill for Yearly Epistles."—Treasur-
er's Accounts, Balt. Yearly Meeting.
MdBPr (3 copies). [l84]
Gardiner, W. C.
An Extract (No. l) from the Works of a True Believer
submitted to the World as a Testimony of the Truth of
Prophecy; as a Warning to the Impious; and as a Comfort
to those who are making their Calling and Election sure,
^filet] Published and recommended by their Friend and
Servant W. e. Gardiner. [filet;] Baltimore: Printed by
Sower and Cole. 1803.
16 p. 22 cm. [A]-B4.
Gardiner was a clergyman in Coventry parish, Somerset
MWA; MdBE. [l85]
Gough, John.
Practical Arithmetick, in four Books. I. Whole Num-
bers, Weights and Measures. II. Fractions, vulgar and
decimal. III. Mercantile Arithmetick. IV. Extraction
of Roots, Progressions, &c. Adapted to the Commerce of
Ireland as well as that of Great-Britain; and now fitted
to the Commerce of America. tfilet] For the Use of
Schools. [filet] By John Gough. Carefully revised by
Robert TeIfair, of the Belfast Academy. [double rule]
Baltimore [in relief on floral background] Printed by
Warner & Hanna, at the Bible & Heart Printing-office,