[Der hundertjahrige Calender von 1799 bis 1899. Bal-
timore, Samuel Saur, l803]
Listed in Seidensticker as an 1803 item; very proba-
bly a misprint for 1800 (cf. Minick 492).
No copy known. [190]
Hymns and Spiritual Songs, for the Use of Christians.
[short wavy rule] Fourth Edition, carefully corrected,
both in language and doctrine, and considerably en-
larged. [thick-thin rule] [3 lines, quotationD [thin-
thick rule] Baltimore: Printed by Warner & Hanna, And
sold by them at their Book-Store corner of South Gay and
Market-Streets.——And by Thomas, Andrews & Butler, Cor-
ner of Charles & Market-Streets. [short thick-thin
rule-, 1803.
281, vii p. 14.5 cm. A-H18.
Advertised in the Baltimore American Patriot, Mar.
10, 1803, as "This day is published ... The fourth edi-
MWA. [191]
[Hymns and Spiritual Songs, for the Use of Chris-
tians. Fifth edition. Baltimore, Warner & Hanna, l803]
On the last page of the fourth edition (item 191) ap-
pears this note: "... should it [the fourth edition]
meet with approbation, the Editors will shortly publish
a fifth."
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Gazette„ Oct. 12,
1803, as "Just Published ... The fifth edition."
No copy known. [192]
Kemp, James.
A Sermon on the Nature and Object of a Gospel Minis-
try. Preached before the Convention of the Protestant
Episcopal Church of Maryland, in the City of Baltimore,
on the 2d day of June, 1803. [short double rule] By
James Kemp, D.D. Rector of Great Choptank Parish, [fi-
let] Baltimore: Printed by Sower and Cole. [l803]
30 p. 21 cm. [A]4 B-D4(D4 blank).
MWA; MdBD; NNG; O. [193]
Kerr, David.
To the Voters of Talbot County. [double row of dots3
My Fellow Citizens, [24 lines] David Kerr. August 11,
1803. [Easton? l803]
broadside 33.5 x 21.5 cm. Without imprint.MdHi. [194]