Published by Authority. [short thin-thick rule] [filet]
Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, Printer to the
State, [l802]
[108] p. 25.5 cm. [a]l A-2D2(-2D2).
Session from Nov. 2 to Dec. 31, 1801.
Advertised in the Annapolis Maryland Gazette, Feb.
18, 1802, as "Just Published."
CSfLaw; CSmH; la; IaU-L; MdBB; MdBE; MdBP; MdHi;
Mi-L; RPL. [128]
Maryland. Treasurer of the Western Shore (Thomas Har-
[Treasurer's account, estimate of the funds, and
probable annual revenue, and the report of the Committee
of Claims. Annapolis, F. Green, 1802]
"Ordered, That the printer to the state strike one
hundred copies of the treasurer's account ... and the
report of the committee of claims, for the use of the
general assembly."—-House Y. & P., Nov. sess. 1802, p.
16 (Nov. 12).
The "treasurer" referred to is probably the "treasur-
er of the western shore11 whose accounts and proceedings
the Committee of Claims examined and reported on earlier
in the session; their report is printed in House V. &
P., Nov. sess. 1802, p. 6.
No copy known. [129]
Maryland. Trustee of the State (Benjamin Harwood)
[Letter of the 1st instant, enclosing an account cur-
rent of funded stock to the 31st of October last, and an
account current of interest and principal received on
said stock. Annapolis, F. Green, l802]
"Ordered, That the printer to the state strike one
hundred copies for the use of the general assembly."—
House V. & P., Nov. sess. 1802, p. 4 (Nov. 5). Later
the same day a letter from the auditor, enclosing ac-
counts from Nov. 1, 1801, to Nov. 1, 1802, was read but
apparently not ordered to be printed.
Benjamin Harwood is referred to as "trustee" on p. 6,
House V. at P., Nov. sess. 1802.
No copy known. [l30]
Mayor, William Fordyce.
An historical Account of the most celebrated Voyages,
Travels, and Discoveries, from the Time of Columbus to