Session from Nov. 2 to Dec. 31, 1801.
DLC; MdBP; MdHi, [124]
Maryland. General Court.
Decision of the Judges of the General Court, for the
Eastern Shore of Maryland, April Term, 1802: in the case
of Whittington versus Polk, in order to obtain the Of-
fice of Chief Justice for the Fourth District, from
which he had been displaced by an Act of Assembly.
[double rule] Easton: Printed by Thomas Perrin Smith,
June 16, 1802.
8 p. 21 cm. Single gathering.
N. Garrett. [125]
Maryland. Governor (John F. Mercer)
[A communication from his excellency the governor,
with sundry documents accompanying the same. Annapolis,
F. Green, l802]
"Ordered, That the printer to the state strike one
hundred copies ... for the use of the general assembly."
—House V. & P., Nov. sess. 1802, p. 16 (Nov. 12).
Probably submitted as a result of the resolution
(House V. & P., Nov. sess. 1802, p. 5) "That the gover-
nor and council be requested to lay before this house
their Journals for the present year."
No copy known. [126]
Maryland. Laws, statutes.
[An Act relative to the administration of justice in
this state, and to repeal the acts of assembly therein
mentioned• Annapolis, F. Green, l802?]
"Ordered, That the printer to the state strike off in
pamphlets immediately, one hundred and fifty copies of
the law, entitled, An act relative to the administration
of Justice ..."—House V. & P., Nov. sess. 1801, p. 112
(Dec. 50).
Printed in chap. LXXIV, Maryland Laws, Nov. sess.
1801, covering 7 pages.
No copy known. [127]
Maryland. Laws, statutes.
Laws of Maryland, made and passed at a Session of As-
sembly, begun and held at the City of Annapolis on Mon-
day the second of November, in the Year of Our Lord One
Thousand Eight Hundred and One. [short thick-thin rule]