the present Period. [short thick-thin rule] By William
Mavor, L.L.D. [short thin-thick rule] Vol. I[«XIV].
[thick-thin rule] Published by M. and J. Conrad, and
Co. No. 140, Market-street, Baltimore; and Rapin, Con-
rad, and Co. Washington City. [row of dots] 1802.
13 v. (vol. 1-12, 14) 15.5 cm.
For volumes issued in 1805 see item 207.
Advertised in the Baltimore Republican, Apr. 21,
1802, as "Just Published ... Vol. I."
MdBD (v. 2-12, 14); MdBE (v. 2-4, 8-10). [131]
Murray, Lindley.
Abridgement of Murray's English Grammar, with an Ap-
pendix, containing an Exemplification of the Parts of
Speech; and Exercises in Syntax. Designed for the use
of the Younger Class of Learners. [rule] By Lindley
Murray. [rule] A new Edition, corrected and enlarged.
[thin-thick rule] Baltimore: Published by G. Douglas,
Bookseller. [short rule] 1802.
108 p. 15.5 cm. A12 B6 C-E12.
PU. [132]
New Theatre. [filet] On Wednesday, Evening, May 26,
1802, Will be presented (for the first time these 7
years) a Tragedy, (in five acts) called The Mourning
Bride. (Written by Congrevc.) [cast of characters, 12
linesj To which will be added, a Comedy, never acted
here (in 3 acts) called The London Hermit; or, Rambles
in Dorsetshire. (Written by O'Keefe—Author of the
Poor Soldier, &c. [cast of characters, 13 lines] [fi-
let] [10 lines] [Baltimore, l802]
broadside 33 x 21 cm. Without imprint.
An advertisement in nearly identical words, with the
cast of characters omitted, appeared in the Baltimore
Republican. May 26, 1802.
MdBE. [133]
Paine, Thomas.
Letter from Thomas Paine to George Washington, dated
Paris, July 1796. To which is added, Thomas Paine's
Letter, dated Federal City, Nov. 1802. Also his Speech
in the National Convention on the Trial of Louis XVI.
[thin-thick rule] Baltimore: Printed by G. Douglas,
[short rule] 1802.
44 p. 20.5 cm. A-E4 F2.