as "This day is published ... No. V."
Keene, a Democrat, married the daughter of Martin, a
leading Federalist.—cf. Sab in 44898.
DLC (4 copies); MB (no.5 only); MHi; MWA (no.l only);
Md; MdBB; MdBP; MdHi (2 copies); MoSHi; NN; NNC (lacks
t.p.); NJP; OClWHi; PPlU. [121]
Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates.
Votes and Proceedings of the House of Delegates of
the State of Maryland. [thick-thin rule] November Ses-
sion, One Thousand Bight Hundred and One. [thin-thick
rule] Being the first Session of this Assembly. [filet3
Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, Printer to the
State. [l802]
124, 14 p. 25 cm. A-2H2, 2A-D2(-2D2).
Session from Nov. 2 to Dec. 31, 1801.
"An Act to reform the penal laws of this state":
14 p. at end.
DLC; MdBP; MdHi; PU. [122]
Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates. Com-
mittee to meet the Committee of the Susquehanna Canal
[Report. Annapolis, F. Green, l802]
"Ordered, That the said report have a second reading
on Friday next, and that the printer to the state strike
one hundred copies for the use of the general assembly."
—House V. & P., Nov. sess. 1802, p. 26 (Nov. 21).
The report is printed in House Y. & P.
Probably among the items covered by the debit to
Frederick Green in House Jour, of Accts., Nov. sess.
1802, fol. 28, which reads: "For ... printing 100 Copies
of sundry Laws & Resolutions ..."—Hall of Records, An-
No copy known. [123]
Maryland. General Assembly. Senate.
Votes and Proceedings of the Senate of the State of
Maryland. [ thick-thin rule] November Session, One
Thousand Eight Hundred and One. [thin-thick rule] Be-
ing the first Session of the sixth Senate. [filet] An-
napolis: Printed by Frederick Green, Printer to the
State. [1802]
61 p. 26 cm. [A]2(-A2) B-Q2.