Street. 1802.
16 p. 20.5 cm. [A]-B4.
Signed: Justice.
Advertised in the Baltimore Republican. Apr. 20, 1802,
as "Just Published And for Sale."
CtY; DLC; MWA; MdBP. [183]
Longbothorn, B T
A Treatise on Dentistry, explaining the Diseases of
the Teeth and Gums, with the most effectual Means of
Prevention and Remedy; to which is added, Dentition;
with Rules to be observed during that Interesting pe-
riod. [thick-thin rule] By B. T. Longbothorn, Surgeon
Dentist. [thin-thick rul*] Baltimore: Printed by Pren-
tiss and Cole. 1802.
66, [6] p. 16 CM. [An]4 B-G4 2G4 H4.
"Of Dentition" (p. 49-63), by John Hunter.
PU-D. [119]
Magruder, William B.
An Answer to Mr. John Bannatyne's Defence of the Con-
duct of Messrs. FIndlay, Bannatyne, and Company, of the
City of London, in their commercial Transactions with
William B. Magruder, of the City of Baltimore. To which
is prefixed, the Publication of the latter, in the Fed-
eral Gazette of the twenty-ninth of October, eighteen
hundred, and the twenty-second of August, eighteen hun-
dred one:—The Defence of Mr. Bannatyne being annexed at
the Conclusion. [filet] Baltimore: Printed by Yundt
and Brown. 1802.
114, 14 p. 2.5 cm. [A]4 B-Q4.
For description of Wood's Observations on a Pamphlet
(14 p. at end) see item 65.
DLC; MWA (lacks sig. Q3,4); MdBE; MdBP; MdHi. [120]
Martin, Luther.
Modern Gratitude, in Five Numbers: addressed to Rich-
ard Raynal Keene, Esq. concerning a Family Marriage. By
Luther Martin, Esq. of Maryland. [Baltimore, 1802]
1 leaf, 163 p., 1 leaf. 20,5 cm. [a]l A-B4 C2
D-G4 H2(H2 blank) I-X4 (includes sig. V).
Without Imprint.
The first number was issued in 1801; the fifth was
advertised in the Baltimore Telegraphs, July 27, 1802,