Penning, Daniel.
The Universal Spelling Book; or, A New and easy Guide
to the English Language. Containing, [23 lines in doub-
le columns] [filet] By Daniel Fenning, Author of the
Use of the Globes, Practical Arithmetic, Guide to Alge-
bra, Royal English Dictionary, Young Men's Book of Know-
ledge, &c. [filet] Baltimore: Printed and sold by War-
ner & Hanna. 1802.
168 p. 17 cm. A-06.
PHi. [103]
Frederick County, Md. Committee of Citizens.
Circular. Frederick-Town, Sept. 23, 1802. Sir:
We being appointed a Committee to communicate with our
Fellow-Citizens of Frederick County, beg leave to call
your attention to the Election on the first Monday of
October next, for four Delegates to represent the people
of this County in the next General Assembly. [84 lines]
We have the Honor to be, Sir, your Fellow-Citizens [31
signers] [Frederick-Town, l802]
broadside 41 x 25.5 cm. Without imprint.
The circular refers to an "anonymous handbill" circu-
lated throughout the county, charging the Republican
candidates with want of official integrity.
DLC. [104]
Freemasons. Maryland. Grand Lodge,
Extract of Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons of the State of Maryland, At their half
Yearly Communication, held in the City of Baltimore, on
the 8th day of November, A.L. 5802, A.D. 1802. (-Balti-
more, 1802 ]
[2] p. 23 cm. Without imprint.
Caption title. Pages [3] and [4] are blank.
MdBFM; NNFM. [105]
Freemasons. Maryland. Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, of the State
of Maryland. [filet] At an annual communication held
in the City of Baltimore on the 10th Day of May, A.L.
5802, A.D. 1802. [Baltimore, l802]
[3] p. 23.5 cm. Without imprint.
Caption title.
MdBFM; PPFM. [106]