address when published be sent to the Speaker of the
Senate, five to the Speaker of the House of Delegates,
five to the Governor and Council, and five to the R. W.
D. G. Mas ter. "—Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, half
yearly communication, 9th November, 1802.
The advertisement in the Baltimore Telegraphe men-
tioned in the preceding item may refer to this Item in-
No copy known. [99]
Defoe, Daniel.
[The Beauties of the renowned Moll Flanders; contain-
ing her most particular Fortunes and Misfortunes. Bal-
timore, May, 1802]
24 p.
According to James A. Williams, from whose catalog
111, May 17, 1937, the above information was taken, this
is the "first recorded American edition ... excessively
rare.* He has no record of the purchaser.
No copy known. [100]
Durham, Lloyd.
Land for Sale. [filet] I will dispose of at private
sale, Two Hundred Acres of Land, Situated in Harford
county, within one and an half miles of Belle-Air;...
[12 linesj Lloyd Durham. July 19, 1802. P. S.—Thom-
as Durham offers for sale, adjoining the above, a Farm
of three hundred acres of excellent Land ... [4 lines]
Thomas Durham, Baltimore. [Baltimore? 1802-,
broadside 35 x 21 ca. Without imprint.
MdHi. [101]
The Fair Warbler, and LaIdes1 Vocal Remembrancer: a
Collection of the most approved Songs. [wavy rule3
Baltimore: Printed by G. Fryer. 1802.
225 P. 10.5 cm.
Frontispiece: shepherds and maidens under willow
tree, Cut used in 1805 in The Modern Songster {item
380). —— ————
Without music.
Price 75 cents.
Advertised in the Baltimore Republican, Jan. 4, 1802,
as "This Day will be published."
MWA. [102]