Friends, Society of. Baltimore Yearly Meeting. Com-
mittee for Indian Affairs.
[•thick-thin rule] Memorial of Evan Thomas, and oth-
ers, a Committee appointed for Indian Affairs, by the
Yearly Meeting of the People called Friends, held in
Baltimore. [short thick-thin rule] 7th January, 1802.
Referred to Mr. Samuel Smith, Mr. Griswold, Mr. Davis,
Mr. Hoge, and Mr. Randolph. [thin-thick rule] [Balti-
more, l802]
10 p. 20.5 cm. [A]4 B2(B2 blank). Without im-
DLC; MdHi; MiD-B; WHi. Llndley. [107]
Friends, Society of. London Yearly Meeting.
The Epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London,
By Adjournments, from the 19th to the 28th of the Fifth
Month, 1802, Inclusive: To the Quarterly and Monthly
Meetings of Friends, in Great Britain, Ireland and else-
where. [imprint on outside fold] [ rule] Samuel Sower,
Printer and Book-Seller, No. 190 Market-Street, Balti-
more. [rule] [1802]
3 p. 34 x 21 cm. fold, to 21 x 9 cm.
Caption title.
"Oct. 15th 1802..... To printing 1500 Epistles ...
Received Payment, Samuel Sower."—Receipt in archives of
Balt. Yearly Meeting.
MdBFr (2 copies). [108]
Gibson, Jacob.
To Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq. [double rule] Sir, I
was in hopes at the close of our communications, by let-
ter, last August, a final end was put to my disputes be-
fore the public. [155 lines in double columns separated
by row of printing ornaments] adieu J. G. Talbot
County, April 13. [in each column, below single rules,
notes totaling 51 lines, By desire, the public are in-
formed that the Herald of the 23d ult. with Mr. Chamber-
laine's extraordinary publication, is at the Star Of-
fice. Easton? 1802]
broadside 43 x 26.5 cm. .Without imprint.
Chamberlaine's article appeared in the Easton Mary-
land Herald, Mar. 23, 1802.
Mffii, C109]
History of Coastantius and Pulchera; or, Virtue re-