Caption title.
CtY; DLC; PPAmP. [96]
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, marquis
Outlines of an Historical View of the Progress of the
Hunan Mind: being a posthumous work of the late M. de
Condorcet. [row of dots-, Translated from the French.
[row of dots] [thick-thin rulej Baltimore: Printed by
G. Fryer, for J. Frank. [short double rule] 1802.
2 leaves, [iii]-vi. [7]-244 p. port. 17 cm.
[A]4 B6 2B6 C-T6 U4.
Advertised in the Baltimore Telegraphe, Apr. 23,
1802, as "Just Published."
CSmH; CSt; DLC; GHi; I; KyLx; MBC; MH; MWA; MMeT;
MdBP (p. 19-30 lacking); MdHi; MiD-B; MnM; MoSU; NBuG;
NT; PBL; PPAmP; PPM; ViU. BrMus. [97]
Crawford, John.
An Address, delivered at the Grand Convention of the
Free Masons of the State of Maryland;-—held on the 10th
May, 1802—in which the Observance of Secrecy is vindi-
cated, and the principal Objections of Professor Robison
against the Institution, are candidly considered. [fl-
Iet] Published by Desire of the Convention for the Ben-
efit of the Grand Charity Fund. [thick-thin rule] Bal-
timore: Printed by Brothers Thomas and George Dobbin,
36, Baltimore-street. [short thick-thin rule] 1802.
48, iv p. 18.5 cm. [A]2 B-G4.
Sabin 17437.
"Resolved ... that five copies be transmitted to each
Lodge under the Jurisdiction of Maryland, and to all the
Grand Lodges in correspondence with this Grand Lodge." —
Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, annual coraunication,
10th May, 1802.
Advertised in the Baltimore Telegraphe, Dec. 4, 1802,
as "Just Published."
CSmH; DLC; IaCrM; MBFM (2 copies); MB; MWA; MdHi;
PHi; PPFM. [98]
Crawford, John.
[Address delivered at the grand convention of Free
Masons of the State of Maryland, held on the 9th Novem-
ber, 1802. Baltimore, l802]
Resolved, That five copies of the R. W. G. Master's