Advertised in the Baltimore Republican. June 16,
1802, as "Just Published, And for Sale at Bonsai and
Niles1, Book store."
DLC (2 copies); ICN; IaU; MWA; MdHi; NN; ViU. Gar-
rett. [93]
Cole, John, 1774-l855.
[The Divine Harmonist, a collection of sacred Music
in four parts, designed for public worship. Baltimore,
Warner & Hanna, 1802]
Price one Dollar.
Advertised in the Baltimore Republican, May 26, 1802,
as "Just Published, And for sale at Warner and Hanna's."
On June 30, 1802, this notice appeared in the Republi-
can: "... a School for the tuition of Sacred Music will
be opened This Evening, at 7 o'clock ... at the Presby-
terian Church... The book intended to be introduced is
Cole's Divine Harmonist.n
No copy known. 94
Colvin, John B.
[wavy rule] Republican Economy; or, Evidences of the
Superiority of the Present Administration, over that of
John Adams. Together with a correct View of the Late
Sale of Bank Stock. [filet] By John B. Gel vim—Editor
of the Republican Advocatae, Frederick-Town, Maryland.
[filet] "Facts are stubborn things." [ thin-thick rule]
The Second Edition.
1 leaf, 9 P. 24
iapr int.
Page 9 folds out to 37 ern. wide; the expansion con-
tains a table entitled: Comparative Statement ef Rr.
Adams's Extravagance and Mr. Jefferson's Economy.
Sabin 14905.
DLC (table on p. 9 bound as a ?th leaf); MnU; MN;
PPAmP. [95]
Colvin, John B.
Republican Policy; or, The Superiority of the Princi-
ples of the present Administration over those of its en-
emies, who call themselves Federalists; exemplified in
the late Cession of Louisiana, [filet] By John B. Col-
vin, Editor ef the "Republican Advocate," Frederick-
Town, State of Maryland. [filtt] [Frederiek-Town, l802]
23 P. 20.5 cm. A-B6. Without imprint.