Bloomfield, Robert.
Rural Tales, &c.—&c. By Robert Bloomfield, Author
of The Farmer's Boy. To which is prefixed, the Life of
the Author, not published in any other Edition. [thick-
thin rule] Baltimore: Printed by and for Samuel Sower;
and Thomas, Andrews and Butler. [short rule3 1802.
xxii p., 1 leaf, [133-144 p. 17 cm. t[A]4 b8
B-R* S2.
Advertised in the Baltimore American ... for the
Country, July 17, 1802, as "This day Published."
MNe; MWA; MdHi; NN; NJP; PFal; RNR; WHi. ^Oj
[Bozman, John Leeds]
A new Arrangement of the Courts of Justice, of the
State of Maryland: proposed. [thin-thick rule] [3 lines,
quotation] [double rule] [Baltimore?] Maryland: Printed
for the Author. 1802.
66 p. 20 cm. A-H^ l2(-I2).
Sabin 4$268.
DLC; MH; MH-L; MWA; MdBE; MdHi (2 copies). Gar-
rett. [91]
Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Directory. Bal-
timore (Archdiocese)
[0rdo Divini Officii recitandi, pro Anno Domini
M,DCCC,III. Baltimore, John W. Butler, l8023
Parsons 236.
No copy known. [92]
[CheethaM, James]
A Narrative of the Suppression by Col. Burr, of the
History of the Administration of John Adams, late Presi-
dent of the United States, written by John Wood, Author
of the History of Switzerland, and of the Swiss Revolu-
tion. To which is added, a Biography of Thomas Jeffer-
son, President of the United States, and of General Ham-
ilton: with strictures on the Conduct of John Adams, and
on the Character of General C. C. Pinckney. Extracted
verbatim from the suppressed History. [filet] By a
Citizen of New-York. [filet] Third edition, revised
and corrected. [double rule] New-York, Printed. Bal-
timore, Re-printed. [l802]
72 p. 21 cm. [A]4 B-I4.
Cf. Sabin 12380.