Printed in chap. XCII, Maryland Laws, Nov. sess.
l803» covering 8 pages.
No copy known. e9 3^
Mlnter, Jeremiah.
Four Sermons: on the following interesting subjects.
I. The Necessity, Meaning, and Happiness of becoming as
Little Children; and the heineous sin of offending such.
II. Fortitude, Faith, and Humility. III. False Prophets
and Teachers: and True Ones. IV. The Meaning of For-
saking all for Christ's Sake; and of the great reward
promised to such. [filet] By Jeremiah Minter, Minister
of the Gospel. [filet] [thick-thin rule] Baltimore:
Printed by Warner & Hanna. [short thick-thin rule]
108 p. 14.5 cm. A-C10.
MWA. [937]
Coale & Thomas, booksellers.
[Sales catalogue of superb books imported from London
and now opening at their bookstore. Baltimore, l808]
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Dec. 20, 1808,
as "Catalogues of which (separate from their general
Catalogue) will be ready for delivery ... In the course
of a day or two."
No copy known. [938]
Jung-Stilling, Johann Heinrich.
[Theobald Oder die Schwarmer. Hagerstaun, Johann
Gruber, l808]
Seidensticker p. 172. Reichmann 106.
Ever issued? Inclusion in Seidensticker and Reich-
mann apparently based only on subscription notice in
Jung-Stilling's Per Christliche Menschenfreund (Hagers-
town, 1807),
No copy known. [939]
[A Plan of the Review which is to take place on the
second of May next, Baltimore, S. Barnes, 18083
Advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, Apr. 1,
1808, as "may be had of Samuel Barnes.11
No copy known. [940]