The Cavern of Death, a Moral Tale. [thick-thin rule3
Printed and sold by Bonsai & Niles, 173, Market-Street,
Baltimore. [l801?]
120 p. 16.5 cm. A-K6.
Dated [1795?] on Library of Congress card. Minick
notes that Bonsai and Niles did not form partnership un-
til 1799. Included here because not included by Minick.
DLC; MdHi. [933]
[The Compting-House Calendar, containing the current
and French Calender. Baltimore, S. Sower? 1801?
Price 12 1/2 cents.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Feb. 11, 1801,
as "Just Published, And for sale, by SAMUEL SOWER ...
Thomas, Andrews & Butler, and Bonsai &; Niles." No other
advertisement found in the American back to Dec. 1, 1800,
Not in Minick.
No copy known, [934]
[The Ladies' Sunday Associate, containing, a Collec-
tion of Hymns, adapted for the Piano Forte. Baltimore?
Price 50 cents.
Advertised in the Baltimore Republican, May 17, 1802,
as "Just Published, And for sale at Carr1s Music Store."
No copy known. [935]
Maryland. Laws, statutes.
[An act for the valuation of real and personal prop-
erty within this state, Annapolis, F. Green, 1804]
"On motion, Ordered, That the printer to the state
strike two hundred copies of the act for the valuation
of real and personal property within this state, for the
use of the commissioners of the tax."—House V. & P.,
Nov. sess. 1803, p. 97 (Jan. 6, 1804).