The Marvellous Magazine. ——Non Fabula Mendax. Won-
ders! Wonders!! Wonders!!! A Collection of Queer, As-
tonishing, Out-of-the-way and Wonderful Tales, Narra-
tives, &c. &c. Baltimore, Printed, and Published by
Martin & Pratt, No. 182, Market st. 1804. (Price 12
1/2 cents.)
4 nos. 18.5 cm. Each number A-C6.
Apparently Issued monthly.
Description above taken chiefly from original cover
of no. 3, Mar. 10, 1804 (MdHi).
The text of sig. B In no. 2 bears no relation to the
signatures on either side.
MdBE (no. 1-3; without t.p. Possibly second edition;
see below); MdHi (without t.p.; p. 27-36 mutilated in
no. 4. Following no. 3 is inserted a section (sig. A12
(-Al) B-C12) consisting of "The Adventures of Joseph
Plgnata" (p. [3]-48) and "The Persecution of Don Pablo
Olavlde" (p. 49-72), which may Indicate that the MdHi
copy is really a second edition; cf. item 456, Keat-
ingefs Cabinet o£ Entertainment, or Marvellous Magazine.
The MdHi copy of no. 3 in original covers is the only
sure 1804 issue.) [924]
Moonshine. By the Lunarian Society. June 20-July
23, 1807. Baltimore: Published by Samuel Jefferis, No.
212, Market-street.
5 nos. 19 cm. weekly.
Price 12 1/2 cents.
Referred to In the final issue of the Observer (Dec.
26, 1807), v. 2, p. 422, as "the panegyrists you [read-
ers] possess in ... the Spectacles.., and Moonshine, on
the creamy rays of which your honors cannot but thrive
and fatten;" and in the Baltimore Repertory, v. 1, no. 1
(Jan. 1811), p. 5, as "the rays of Moonshine were speed-
ily extinguished."
DLC; MB; MBAt; MWA (no.l only); MdHi; MiD-B (no.l
only); NKS. c925]
The Musical Journal for the Piano-forte. Baltimore,
J. Carr; New York, J. Hewitt; Philadelphia, J. Chalk.
5 v. 33 cm. weekly.
Issued from January 1800 Into 1803; edited by Benja-
min Carr.
Mlnick 613.
All known copies incomplete.
CtY; DLC; MdBE; NN; PVC; RPJCB. [926]