17, 1808, as "A new Periodical Work. This Day is pub-
lished,—and for Sale at G. Keatinge's Book-store, The
Embargo; or a leisure Hour's Amusement. To be published
weekly, price 6 cents. No. 1 contains an affecting ac-
count of the extraordinary sufferings of Capt. Guirndi-
nlze and Family, a French Officer, who served in the
Revolutionary War of America ... The editor, if mis-
taken [in his hopes of its success]f will only meet the
fate of moonshine and the spectacles, to terminate the
literary existence of the Embargo."
No. 2 advertised in the Baltimore American, Apr. 27,
1808, as "Embargo No. 2, or Wit and News ... price 6
cents—containing Obadiah Williams's life—also account
of execution of Wm. Morris, D. Dogherty, W. Robinson and
C. Dogherty for the murder of George Workner."
No copy known. [920]
The Emerald. Nov. 3, 1810-Mar. 2, l8ll. Baltimore,
Published by B. Edes, corner of Market & South Sts.
18 nos. 21 cm. weekly.
Referred to in the Baltimore Repertory, v. 1, no. 1
(Jan. 1811), p. 5, as "the Emerald, with all the lustre
and brightness which it may display, will probably
sparkle in vain."
MdBP. [921]
The Evangelical Magazine. Jan.-June 1808. Balti-
192 p. 20 cm. monthly.
Caption title.
Jan.-Mar., Printed by J. Robinson; Apr.-June, Printed
by John W. Butler.
MdHi. [922]
The Lounger's Cabinet, a periodical paper. Balti-
more, Hunter & Robinson, 1810.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Republican, Jan.
18, 1810, as "Will be Published, On the First Saturday
in February next, by Hunter & Robinson ... a periodical
paper;" and in the same on Feb. 27, 1810, as "The title
will be changed to that of My Pocket Book, And Belle Let-
tres Repository. The next number will shortly appear,
after which it will be published regularly every Satur-
day morning."
No copy known. [923]