The Observer, and Repertory of Original and Selected
Essays, in Verse & Prose, on topics of Polite Litera-
ture, &c. v. 1-2; Nov. 29, l8o6-Dec. 26, l807. Balti-
2 v. 21 cm. weekly.
Edited by Eliza (Crawford) Anderson, who married Max-
imilian Godefroy in 1808 and whose pseudonym, Beatrice
Ironside, appears from v. 1, no. 5.
Vol. 1, no. 1 printed by J. Hewes, 4 North Charles-
street; v. 1, no. 2 to v. 2, no. 16 (Jan. 10-Oct. 17,
•l807) printed by J. Robinson, 4 N. Charles-street; v. 2,
no. 17 to end (Oct. 24-Dec. 26, 1807) printed by S. Ma-
DGU (v.l); DLC; MWA (v.l incomplete); MdBP (v.l);
MdHi; NHI (v.l); PHI (v.l, no.9). BrMus. [927]
The Orphan's Friend and Literary Repository. Nov.
1804-Apr. 1805. Baltimore: Printed for James Heron by
Wane & Murphy, 3 North Gay St.
6 nos. 21 cm. monthly.
Beginning with the February issue, Wane & Murphy
changed the name to The Baltimore Magazine and Literary
Repository, "the original proprietor ... having relin-
quished the undertaking." In Union list of serials un-
der second name.
MdBP. [928]
The Rush-Light. Baltimore, Alexander Martin, 1804.
Issued from Jan. 1, 1804, through September.
The only mention is in Scharf, p. 85.
No copy known. [929]
The Scourge. By Titus Tickler, Esq. & Co. Balti-
more, S. Magill, 1810.
Issued from May 26 to Nov. 24, 1810.
Mott. v. 1, p. 794.
Listed by Brigham as a newspaper.
MWA; MdHi; NHi. [930]
The Spectacles, v. 1, no. 1-11; May 9]uly 18, 1807.
Baltimore, Printed and Published by Joseph Harmer, at
No. 3, East-street, 4 doors below the Assembly-Roam.
28 x 22 cm. weekly.
4 pages to the issue.
Referred to in the Observer, v. 2, p. 422 (Dec. 26,