Superseded by the Observer. Probably the item re-
ferred to In the Observer (Dec. 26, 1807), v. 2, p. 422,
as "the panegyrists you [readers] possess in the Com-
panion ... n The present tense ("possess") probably
means that the readers "have in their possession" the
Companion (and the three other dead or dying periodicals
referred to) rather than that they still have the privi-
lege of purchasing them.
DLC; MH (v.l); MWA; MdBP (v.2 imperfect); MdHi (2
copies); MID (v.l); N (v.l); NPV (v.2); PHi (v.l, incom-
plete). [917]
The Critick. Baltimore, J. Robinson? 1807.
Price 12 1/2 cents.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Gazette, Nov. 4,
1807. as "This day is Published ... No. 5. Containing
Remarks on the Theatre ,.. Observations on the Presi-
dents Message ... Poetry. To be had No. 4, North
Charles-street, Also of S. J. Jefferis ... and most of
the other Booksellers."
Joseph Robinson was located at 4 N. Charles St. in
1807; perhaps he began printing the Critick just before
he stopped printing the Observer. The final issue of
the latter (Dec. 26. 1807). v. 2, p. 422, refers to the
"panegyrists you [readers] possess in the Companion, the
Critic ... *
No copy known. [918]
Dull Times, or, the Histori-co, Poet-ico, Quizi-co,
Politi-co, Literati-co, and all the other co-Notions,
Whims, Fancies, Oddities and Opinions of Toby Gingham &
Co. Baltimore, 1808.
Price 17 3/4 cents.
No. 1 advertised in the Baltimore American, Sept, 1,
1808. as "This day is published, for sale at Callender &
Wills's, S. Barnes's ... & Cole & I. Bonsall's."
No. 2 advertised in the Baltimore Whig, Sept. 30,
1808, as "This day is published, and for sale ... But a
few of the first number remain unsold; a second edition
is, however in press, so that those who intend to pur-
chase the whole series may have it complete."
No copy known. [919]
The Embargo. Baltimore, G. Keatinge, 1808.
No. 1 advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, Feb.