Baltimore Magazine for July 1807. [Baltimore, 1807]
28 p.
No Imprint, editor, or evidence of continuation.
Only issue known.
DLC; NNS. [912]
The Baltimore Medical and Physical Recorder. v.l-
v.2, no.l; Apr. l8o8-Apr. 1809. Baltimore, S. Magill.
2 v. 23 cm. quarterly.
For complete description and locations see item 709.
The Baltimore Weekly Magazine. Apr. 26, 1800-May 27,
1801. Baltimore: Printed for the Editor by William
Pechin, corner of Gay and Water-streets. June 10th,
59 nos. 26.5 cm. weekly.
Suspended Aug. 30-Dec. 20, 1800.
Printed by John B. Colvln.
See Minick 556 for full description.
DLC; MdBE; MdBP; MdHi (t.p. photostat); PPL. [914]
The Casket, and Literary Companion. By Charles
Candid, Esq. Baltimore, 1809.
Advertised in the Annapolis Maryland Gazette, Jan. 8,
1809, as "By the cessation of 'The Companion1 ... a
loss, to supply the remedy for which the "Casket" has
"been commenced... The first number ... being published,
... " and in the Baltimore American, Jan. 25, 1809, as
"the second number will be published on Saturday next."
No copy known. [915]
Child of Pallas: devoted mostly to the belles-let-
tres. By Charles Prentiss. ——Baltimore—— Printed
weekly, by Warner & Hanna. l300.
Nos. 5-8 probably issued in January, 1801. No. 7
contains date line Dec. 29; no. 8 contains date line
Jan. 14.
See Minick 568 for locations. [916]
The Companion and Weekly Miscellany. By Edward Easy,
Esquire. "A safe Companion and an Easy Friend." v.1-2;
Nov. 3, 1804-Oct. 25, 1806. Baltimore: Printed and Pub-
lished by Cole & Hewes, North Charles-Street.
2 v. 25 cm. weekly.
Printed by J. Hewes after Aug. 23, 1806.