Baltimore. Printers.
To the Hon. the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America; The Subscribers, Print-
ers and others, of the City of Baltimore, who feel them-
selves affected by the additional duty which they learn
is contemplated to be laid on imported Printing Types,
Beg leave respectfully to represent, That in the opinion
of your Memorialists, any further duty on the Implements
of Printing would at this time be impolitic ... [78
lines in double columns] Note. There is a small found-
ery at Germantown, which oasts German letter only.
(Signed) Warner & Hanna [26 names of firms and indi-
viduals ] Baltimore 27th February 1802 [in manuscript]
[Baltimore, l802]
broadside 42 x 25.5 cm. Without imprint.
DNA. [87]
Baltzell, John.
An Essay, on the Mineral Properties of the Sweet
Springs of Virginia, and Conjectures respecting the
Processes of their Production by Nature, together with
Hints relative to an artificial Formation of similar Me-
dicinal Waters. To which are added, A few concise
Strictures on a Treatise, composed by John Rouelie,
[sic] M.D. on the same Subject. [short thick-thin rule]
By Doctor John Baltzell. Frederick-Town, Maryland.
[short thin-thick rule] [printing ornament] [double
rule] Baltimore:—Printed by Warner & Hanna.—1802.
30 p. 23 cm. [A]* B-D*(D4 blank).
Sabin 3090.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Gazette, Mar. 1,
1802, as "This day is published.11
DSG; KdB[W; N; NNNAM; PPL. [88]
Baptists. Maryland. Baltimore Baptist Association.
Minutes of the Baltimore Baptist Association, held
in the Baptist Meeting House, at Old Seneca, Montgomery
County, State of Maryland, on the 8th, 9th, and 10th
Days of October, 1802. [Baltimore? l802]
4 p. 22 CM. Without imprint.
Caption title.
Elder William Parkinson was directed to superintend
the printing of the Minutes.
ViRU. [89]