Streets, Lanes and Alleys. [thick-thin rule] By Corne-
lius William Stafford. [thin-thick rule] Baltimore:
Printed for the Editor, by John W. Butler, Corner of Gay
& Water Streets. [l802]
131, [1], 71 P- 17.5 cm. A-L6 a-f6.
Sabin 2998 note.
DLC; MdBE; MdBP (2 copies); MdHi. [83]
Baltimore Library Company.
A Catalogue of the Books, &c. belonging to the Li-
brary Company of Baltimore; to which are prefixed, the
Act for the Incorporation of the Company, their Consti-
tution, their By-laws, and an alphabetical List of the
Members. [thick-thin rule] [7 lines, quotation] [thin-
thick rule] Baltimore: Printed by Prentiss & Cole, No.
14, South Charles-Street. 1802.
xxiii, 98, [1] p. 19.5 cm. a-c4 A-M4 N2.
MWA; MdHi (3 copies). [84]
Baltimore. Ordinances.
Ordinances of the Corporation of the City of Balti-
more, passed at their February Session, 1802. rdouble
rule] Baltimore:—Printed by Warner & Hanna, printers
to the Corporation. [short rule-. 1802,
68, v, [13] p. 20 cm. [A]* B-L1*.
Advertised in the Baltimore Democratic Republican,
May 31, 1802, as "This day are offered for Sale."
MdHi. Garrett. [85]
Baltimore. Printers.
Baltimore, March 22, 1802. Sir, We have the honor
to inform you, that at a meeting of the Printers, Book-
sellers, Bookbinders and Papermakers of this city,..,
[at end] Your obedient servants, John Hayes, William
Pechln, Andrew Hanna. Committee. Approved by the meet-
ing, John Hagerty, Chairman [Baltimore, l802]
[4] p. 25 cm. Without imprint.
Pages [3-4] are blank, except for handwritten mailing
address on p. [4]. Underscored words in manuscript.
Circular letter relating to "the expediency of peti-
tioning Congress to lay a further duty on (imported)
Books, either bound or in sheets ... The importance of
the subject ... must appear evident to every Printer in
the United States."
NHi. [86]