[Anonymous handbill in German and English, circulated
throughout Frederick County, charging the Republican
candidates for the 1802 election with want of official
integrity. Frederick-Town? l802]
Referred to in item 104, a circular by a committee of
citizens of Frederick County dated Sept. 23, 1802.
No copy known. [80]
Baltimore. Brickmakers.
Rules, to be Observed by the Hands Employed in the
Brick-making Business, Revised and amended at a Meeting
of the Following Master Brick-makers, in and near the
City of Baltimore, on the 23d day of February, 1802.
(Published for the mutual Benefit of those concerned.)
[filet] [57 Iines] John Allbright [and 12 others]
[Baltimore, 1802-,
broadside 43 x 26 cm. Without imprint.
MdHi. [8l]
Baltimore Circulating Library.
[Catalogue of additional books. Baltimore, l802]
Advertised in the Baltimore Republican, July 14,
1802, as "a large addition is Just received;... a cata-
logue ... is now in readiness at the library;" probably
the "old" catalogue referred to in the Baltimore Ameri
can, Mar. 20, 1807, as "A new ... Catalogue of the Li-
brary is now in readiness, price three eighths of a dol-
lar. The present subscribers may recollect they were
not charged for the old Catalogue, it being incomplete.n
For an earlier (1799) issue see Minick 469.
No copy known. [82]
The Baltimore Directory for 1802; containing the
Names, Occupations, and Places of Abode of the Citizens.
Arranged in Alphabetical Order. Also the Constitution
of the United States, and Corporation of the City: with
A list of the Duties payable by Law on the Importation
of Goods, Wares and Merchandize; together with a general
Abstract from the Revenue Laws, Relative to the Duty of
Masters of Vessels—Of the Owners or Consignees of
Goods——Of Officers of the Customs, &c. To which are
added, City Banks—Post-Office Establishment—-Land and
Water Stages—Public Offices-Tables of Monies—Places
of Public Worship, &c. With an Alphabetical List of the