lines, quotation] [thin-thick rule] Baltimore: Printed
by Henry S. Keatinge. —1809.—
xii, [iii]iv,[13]-260 p. 16 cm. [A]6 [a]l
B-2A8/2 2B4.
Page iv (first series) numbered "v" in some copies.
CSmH; DLC; MWA; MdBE; MdBP; MdHi (lacks sig. A3-4);
NNS; NPV. [729]
Freemasons. Maryland, Grand Lodge.
Extract of Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Mary-
land, At their yearly Grand Communication, begun and
held in the City of Baltimore, on the 1st day of May
A.L. 5809—A.D...809. [Baltimore, l809]
[4] p. 23.5 cm. Without imprint.
Caption title.
MBFM; MdBFM; NNFM. [730]
Freemasons. Maryland. Grand Lodge.
Extract of Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Mary-
land, At their half yearly Grand Communication, began
[sic] and held in the City of Baltimore, on the 6th day
of November, A.L. 5809——A.D. 1809. [at end] [Balti-
more] G. Dobbin and Murphy——print. [l809]
[4] p. 23.5 cm.
Caption title.
MdBFM; NNFM. [731]
Friends, Society of. Baltimore Yearly Meeting.
[Extracts from the Minutes of the Yearly Meeting held
from the 9th of the Tenth Month to the 13th of the same,
inclusive, 1809. Baltimore, John Hewes, l809]
"... for printing the Extracts. Baltimore 10th Mo.
14th 1809. 11 Mo. 7th Received payment John Hewes"—
Receipt in archives of Balt. Yearly Meeting.
No copy known. [732]
Friends, Society of. Baltimore Yearly Meeting. Meeting
for Sufferings.
To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends,
constituting the Yearly Meeting, held at Baltimore ...
[at end] Signed by direction and on behalf of the Meet-
ing for Sufferings, Held in Baltimore, 2d mo. 6thf 1809.
Oerard T. Hopkins, Clerk. [Baltimore, John Hewes? l809]
[2] p. 32 x 20.5 cm. fold, to 20.5 x 8 cm. With-
out imprint.