Caption title.
Page 2 printed only on outside fold.
Balt. Yearly Meeting owns an uncut folio sheet — two
complete copies.
It was "concluded to have 3000 Copies printed. "—Min-
utes of the Meeting for bufferings, Feb. 4-6, 1809.
MdBFr (6 copies); PPFYr. [733]
Friends, Society of. London Yearly Meeting.
The Epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London,
By adjournments, from the 24th of the Fifth Month, to
the 1st of the Sixth Month, 1809, inclusive, To the
Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends, in Great
Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. [imprint on outside
fold: [filet] Baltimore: Printed by John Hewes. [l809]
4 p. 34 x 21 cm. fold, to 21 x 9 cm.
Caption title.
It was "concluded to have three thousand copies
printed."—Minutes of the Balt. Yearly Meeting, Oct.
9-13, 1809.
MdBPr. [734]
Gibson, Jacob.
To the Public. [rule] [text begins] Whenever a con-
temptible scoundrel, like John Murray, appears before
the Public to pl[ay the br]avado ... [Easton? l809]
[4] p. 54 cm. Without Imprint.
Contains an Interchange of correspondence between
Gibson and Murray, including a reprinting of a handbill
by Murray (item 665), in which Gibson Is identified as
"of the Senate of Maryland, and of Talbot county." and a
handbill by Gibson dated Dec. 25, 1808 (item 628). The
final piece in the leaflet is dated: Marengo, 8th Janu-
ary, 1809; Marengo was the name of Glbson's estate on
the Eastern Shore.
MdHi. [7J5]
Gillett, Wheeler, ed.
The Maryland Selection of sacred Music; from the best
Authors, ancient and modern; in three and four parts.
[thick-thin rule] By Wheeler Gillet, and Co. [thin-
thick rulej Baltimore: Printed by Henry S. Keatinge,
North Howard Street. 1809.
86 p. 14.5 x 23.5 cm. A4(Al-l) [B]2 C-U2 W2(-W2).
Advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, Dec. 3,