of Piety and Virtue.
At end: [To be concluded in the second number.]
DLC. [726]
Du Pre, L.
The Morning Twilight: No. II. Being a series of Es-
says, progressively displaying The Harbinger of Peace
and Rest. [short thick-thin rule] By L. Du Pre.
[short thin-thick rule] [8 lines, quotations] [thick-
thin rule] Baltimore: Printed for the Author, by J.
Robinson. 1809.
1 leaf, 37-70 p. 17.5 cm. D-F6.
The text begins and ends with incomplete sentences.
At end: [To be concluded in No. 3.3
Half-title (p. t6l]): Essay the Third, The Eternity
and Infinity of Light. See statement at end of Du Pre's
Principles of a new Covenant (item 727)•
RP. [726A]
Du Pre, L.
The Principles of a new Covenant, or Social Compact;
for the Animal Creation. [row of dots] By L. Du Pre.
[row of dots] [p lines, quotations] [filet] Baltimore:
Printed for the Author. 1809.
92, [1] p. 16.5 cm. A-H6(H6 blank).
At end: Printed by J. Robinson, No. 1 N. Calvert
"It is proposed to continue this subject in a suc-
cessional number of pamphlets ... Four successive num-
bers are now ready for the press, but subscribers are at
liberty to subscribe for one or more of these numbers ..,
Baltimore, 15th May, 1809."-Advertisement, sig. H5.
DLC. [727]
Fell's Point Circulating Library.
[Catalogue. Baltimore, S. Barnes? l809?]
Referred to in a notice In the Baltimore Evening
Post, Apr. 13, 1809, as "Those who hold Books, belonging
to the above Library, are respectfully requested to re-
turn them punctually, according to the rules in the Cat-
alogues ... Samuel Barnes."
No copy known. [728]
The Female Friend; or the Duties of Christian Vir-
gins; to which is added. Advice to a young married Lady.
[filet] By F...... L...... Esq. [thick-thin rule] [3