Manual of Chosen Prayers, Devout Practices, and Solid
Instructions. Adapted to every state of life. Taken
partly from the French. [double rule] [2 lines, quota-
tion] [short double rule] First American Edition, with
considerable additions by a Catholic Clergyman of Balti-
more, and with the authority of the Right Rev. Bishop
Carroll. [thick-thin rule-, Baltimore: Printed and Sold
by Warner & Hanna, At the Bible & Heart Printing Office.
1809. ? U ft 1A
2 leaves, 526 p. 13.5 cm. [A-, B24 A3 B-P18(Pl8
Frontispiece: Crucifixion.
Parsons 341.
Advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, July 13,
1809, as "This Day, is Published."
DGU; MWA; MdW (lacking after p. 498); ViRUT. [724]
Day, Thomas.
The History of Sandford and Merton, a work intended
for the use of Children. [ short thick-thin rule] [2
lines, quotation] [short thin-thick rule] (Second Bal-
timore Edition) [short double rule] Three volumes in
one. [ short double rule] By Thomas Day, Esq. [ thick-
thin rule} Baltimore: Printed and sold by Warner & Han-
na. 1809.
403, [2] p. 17 cm. A-2L6(2L6 blank).
Sig. 2L5V lists works "in press".
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Republican, Jan.
4, 1810, as "Just Published ... A new edition."
————— Another issue, with imprint: Baltimore: Printed
by Warner & Hanna, for John Vance & Co. No. 178, Mar-
ket-Street. 1809.
Sig. 2L5V blank.
CtHT; DLC; TNV; ViU. [725]
Du Pre, L.
The Morning Twilight: No. I. Being a series of Es-
says, progressively displaying The Harbinger of Peace
and Rest* [short thick-thin rule] By L. Du Pre.
[short thin-thick rule] [8 lines, quotations] [thick-
thin rule3 Baltimore: Printed for the Author, by J.
Robinson. 1809.
36 p. 17.5 cm. A-C6.
Half-title (p. [5]): Self-Love, the only Foundation