Frontispiece: cut of lamb and cross on altar.
Parsons 342.
DOU; MBAt; MWA (lacks front.); MdBLC; MdBS; MdHi
(sig. F9 lacking); MdW; PPL-R. [717]
Catholic Church. Catechism.
Catechisme, ou Abrege de la Doctrine Chretienne.
Suivi de la Priere du matin et du soir, des Prieres pour
la Ste. Messe, pour la Confession et la Communion; et de
quelques Cantiques spirituels. Troisieme Edition. Avec
1'Approbation de Mgr. L'Eveque. [short thick-thin rule3
"X Baltimore: Imprime, pour Bernard Dornin et vendre
[sic] par le meme, a son Office de Libraire Catholique
Remain, No. 30, Rue du Marche, a Baltimore. [row of
dots] 1809.
2?6 p. 12.5 cm. A-P9 Q3.
Parsons 354.
DGU; InNd; MdBS; PPACHi. [718]
Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Directory. Bal-
timore (Archdiocese)
Ordo Divini Officii recitandi, Missaeque celcbrandae.
Ad usum Ecclesiae totiusque Diaecoesis Baltimorensis,
pro Anno Domini M,DCCC,X. [double rule] Tabula Tempo-
raria. [6 lines in 2 columns] [short double rule] Festa
Mobilia. [8 linesD [short double rule] Quatuor Tempo-
ra. [4 line s ] [ double rule] Baltimori. Bx Typographia
Bernardi Dornin, Librorun Catholicorum cujus vis generis
Bibliopolae 30, Baltimore-Street. [short double rule]
Typis Georgii Dobbin et Murphy. [row of dots] 1809.
47 p. 15.5 cm.
Parsons 346.
InNd. [719]
Chailoner, Richard, bishop.
The Catholic Christian instructed in the Sacraments,
Sacrifices Ceremonies and Observances of the Church; by
way of Question and Answer. By the Rt. Rev. Richard
Challenor [sic], D.D. Containing, by way of introduc-
tion, his celebrated Answer to Dr. Conyers Middleton's
Letter from Rome. [filet] Baltimore: Printed by G.
Dobbin & Murphy for Bernard Dornin, Roman Catholic Li-
brary, No. 30, Baltimore-street. [row of dots] 1809.
285 [i.e. 295], iii. [10] P- 17 cm. A-Z6 2A4 (in-
cludes sig. V,W).