will please to attach a blank sheet of paper to this
Proposal, and over this line, for Subscribers' names.
[Annapolis, l809]
broadside 25.5 x 18.5 cm. Without imprint.
Accompanying letter to Thomas Jefferson from Butler
(24th June, 1809) forwards to him "the first number of
the Maryland Republican, accompanied by a Proposal, to
which, If it should meet your approbation, you will
please to signify your patronage by returning it (with
your Signature) ... P.S. Please direct to J. W. Butler,
DLC. C715;,
Carroll, John, archbishop.
John, by the Grace of God, and approbation of the Ho-
ly See Archbishop of Baltimore, To the Rev. and all my
beloved brethren, members of the Roman Catholic Church
in the Diocess of Baltimore——peace and salvation
through our Lord Jesus Christ. The supreme civil au-
thority of our country has, with singular propriety ex-
cited our attention to the advantages & necessity of re-
curring, in times of publiok calamity, to the aid & pro-
tection of that Almighty Power ... [5 lines] Therefore
my Reverend brethren, the rectors and pastors of Catho-
lic k churches, chapels and congregations in this diocess
of Baltimore are required, immediately after receiving
this pastoral address, to publish and make known to
their respective flocks, that Thursday the 9th day of
September next ensuing, is appointed ... [20 lines]
cBaltimore, l8l3]?
broadside 25.5 x 20 cm. Without imprint.
Parsons 553 includes this In 1809, but since Sept. 9
fell on Thursday only in 1802 and 1813 and since Carroll
became archbishop in 1808, this is almost certainly an
1813 imprint%
InNdl; MdBS (not found). [7l6]
Catholic Church. Catechism.
An Abridgement of the Christian Doctrine, by the Rt.
Rev. Bishop Hay; with some Alterations In the Language.
[filet] Published with the Approbation of the Rt. Rev.
Bishop Carroll. [short thin-thick rule] Printed for
Bernard Dornin, and sold by him at his Roman Catholic
Library, No. 30, Baltimore-Street, Baltimore. [short
double rule] Geo. Dobbin & Murphy, Printers. 1809.
108 p. 15.5 cm. [a]l A-F9.