Beaty, Robert, defendant.
The Trial of Robert Beaty (Who was Tarred and Feath-
ered,) on an Indictment for Perjury. [thick-thin rule]
[l line, quotation] [thin-thick rule] Baltimore: Print-
ed for the Proprietor. 1?09.
51 p. 20.5 cm. [A-,4 B-F4 [G]2.
Sabin 4152.
PPL-R. Garrett. [712]
Berthollet, Claude Louis, comte.
Researches into the Laws of Chemical Affinity. By C.
L. Berthollet, Member of the Conservative Senate, and of
the National Institute, &c. Translated from the French
by M. Farrell, M.D. Baltimore: Published by Philip H.
Nlcklin and Co. No. 202, Baltimore street. Also by Far-
rand, Mallory and Co. Boston, and Hopkins and Earle,
Philadelphia, 1809.
iv, 212 p. 20 cm. [A]4 B-S6 T2.
At end: Fry and Kammerer, Printers.
CtHT; MWA; MdBE; MdHi; OCU. [713]
[Biographical Memoirs and Anecdotes of the celebrated
Mrs. Clarke, giving a true and impartial account of her
Adventures and Intrigues from her Birth to the present
time; with an Investigation of all charges brought on
her account against the Duke of York, by G, L. Wardle.
Baltimore? Samuel Barnes? 1809]
'Advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, Apr. 29,
1809, as "Just Published, by Samuel Barnes Fell's
Street, And for sale at the different Book stores in
this city——Price 25 Cents."
Perhaps pirated from the London edition of the same
year, the title of which is almost identical with the
advertisement above.
No copy known. [714]
Butler, John West.
Annapolis, l8th May, 1809. Proposals By John West
Butler, for Publishing a Paper in the City of Annapolis,
to be called the Maryland Republican. [filet] [74 lines
in 2 columns, separated by row of printing ornaments]
Conditions of Publication. [10 lines] [thick-thin rule3
Subscribers* Names. [short vertical rule] Residence,
or, where necessary, some convenient Post-Office, or
public house, where the Paper may be left. [at bottom]