The Baltimore Medical and Physical Recorder; [short
double rule] Conducted by Tobias Watkins. [short doub-
le rule] Vol. I[-II]. [thick-thin rule] Baltimore:
Printed by S. Magill, Mayor's Alley, South-Street. 1809.
2 v. in 1 ([8T, 566, [2-, p.; 88 p.) 23 cm. vol. 1:
[a] A-2W4 [X]1 (includes sig. W); vol. 2: A-L4.
Vol. 2 lacks t.p.; it has running title: Medical &
Physical Recorder.
Preface dated Apr. 1, 1809; title deposited for copy-
right Apr. 28, 1809.
CSt-L (v.l only); DLC; DSG; MBAt (v.2 only); MBM;
MdBE (lacking after sig. 2E); MdBM (v.l only); MdHi (v.l
only; sig. XI inserted as 5th prelim, leaf); NBM; NNN;
NbU-M (v.l only); PPCP; ScCMeS. BrMus. [708]
Baltimore. Ordinances.
Ordinances of the Corporation of the City of Balti-
more. Passed at the extra Session in June 1808, and at
the February Session 1809. To which is annexed A List
Of the Present Officers of the Corporation. [thick-thin
rule] Baltimore: Printed by Warner & Hanna. 1809.
29, 11, [5] P. 18 cm. [AD4 B-D4 [E]2(-E2).
MdBB; MdHi, Garrett. [709]
Baltimore. Reformed Church.
Musik bey der Einweihung der neuen Orgel in der Hoch-
deutsch-Reformirten Kirche zu Baltimore. [short thick-
thin rule] 1. Symphonic. 2. Singe Gesellschaft.
[thick-thin rule-. Baltimore — Qedruckt bey C. Cleim.
[row of dotSj Io09.
11, [1] p. 16.5 cm.
Words only.
"Vorrede" signed by Dr. Christian L. Becker, Predlger.
Reichmann 110.
NN c710]
Baptists. Maryland. Baltimore Baptist Association.
Minutes of the Baltimore Baptist Association; Held in
the First Baptist Meeting House, in the City of Balti-
more, on the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th days of October,
l809. [Baltimore, 1809]
12 p. 21 cm. Without imprint.
Caption title.
600 copies of Minutes to be printed in Baltimore and
clerk to superintend.
ViRU, [711]