MWA (sig. D lacking, and probably leaves after 82).
Amalia: Oder der treulose Englftnder; eine Wahre ameri-
canische Geschichte. [double rule] Aus dem Englischen
frey fcbersetzt. [vignette] [double rule] Baltimore—
Qedruckt bey C. Cleim. [row of dots] 1809.
35, [1] P. 15 cm. A-c6.
Translation of Amelia, or the faithless Briton. Bos-
ton, 1798.
Reichmann 109. Wright 22 (note).
CSmH. [704]
Baltimore Circulating Library.
First Supplement to the catalogue of the Circulating
Library; kept by William Munday. [short thick-thin
rule] [Baltimore] 1809.
24 p. 17 cm. A-B&.
MdHi. [705]
Baltimore Harmonic Society.
The Constitution of the Baltimore Harmonic Society.
[cut: harp against floral background] Baltimore: Print-
ed by G. Dobbin and Murphy, 10, Baltimore-Street. [row
of dots-, 1809.
12, [4] p. 12.5 cm. A6 [B]2.
Officers and subscribers: 4 p. at end.
DLC. [706]
Baltimore Library Company.
A Catalogue of the Books, &c. belonging to the Libra-
ry Company of Baltimore; to which are prefixed, the Act
for the Incorporation of the Company, their Constitu-
tion, their By-Laws, and an alphabetical List of the
Members. [thick-thin rule] [5 lines, quotation] [thin-
thick rule] Baltimore: Printed by Edes and Leakin.
[row of dots] 1809.
196 p, 21 am. [A]2 B-2B4.
At the end of the text in most copies is printed:
Finis (within frame of printing ornaments}; MWA copy 1
has a variant: The End.
Sabln 5023.
CtHT; DLC; MHi; MWA (2 copies); MdBD; MdBE (3 cop-
ies); MdBP; MdHi (11 copies); NN; PHi; PPL; PPL-R; PU.