Baltimore-Street. [row of dots] 1808.
504 p. 18.5 cm. A-2R6 (includes sig. V,W).
Folded map of the world as frontispiece; folded
plate, "Solar system", inserted to face p. 597. signed:
Kneass sc.
Parsons 328.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Aug. 26, 1808,
as "This day is Published."
CSt; DLC; MWA; MdBE; MdBP; MdHi (map badly mutilat-
ed); MdW; NSyU. [668]
Parker, Joseph.
The Extraordinary and Singular Law-case of Joseph
Parker, who was indicted as Thomas Hoag alias dictus Jo-
seph Parker, for Bigamy, At the Court of Oyer and Termi-
ner, held in the City of New-York, before The Honorable
B. Livingston, J. B. Prevot, Esq. Jacob Martin, Esq.
Aldermen in said City. [row of dots] From Notes taken
in Court by one of the Council. trow of dots] Balti-
more: Printed for G. Keatingefs Book Store. [short
rule., July 26th, 1808.
1 leaf, 10 p. 22 cm. Without signature.
Sabin 58712.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Aug. 12, 1808,
as "This day is Published And for sale."
DLC; MdHi; NIC-L. [669]
Pickering, Timothy.
A Letter from the Honourable Timothy Pickering, a
Senator of the United States from the State of Massachu-
setts exhibiting to his Constituents a View of the immi-
nent Danger of an unnecessary and ruinous War. Ad-
dressed to His Excellency, James Sullivan, Governor of
the said State. [thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Printed
by P. K. Wagner, corner of Gay and Second-streets. [row
of dots] 1808.
16 p. 21 cm. [A]-B .
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Mar. 21, 1808,
as "This day is published."
MWA; MdHi; NN. Garrett. [670]
The Pious Country Parishioner. Being Directions how
A Christian may manage every Day, through the whole
Course of his Life, with Safety and Success, [8 lines]
The Fasts and Feasts. To which are added, Collects for