the most important Virtues which adorn the Soul. [10
lines] And because all must die, Rules are given to set
the Soul right in Sickness, to prepare for a happy
Change at Death. So that in this one Treatise are con-
tained all the Duties requisite to Salvation. [filet]
Frederick-Town, (Maryland) Printed by Matthias Bartgis.
xviii, 194, [2] p. 17.5 cm. A6 [a]4(a4 blank)
B-R5 SZ.
MWA; MdBE; MdBP. [671]
[The Plan of Review for the Tenth of October next.
Baltimore, S. Maglll, 1808]
Price 12 1/2 cents.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Sept. 7, 1808,
as "Just Published, And for sale at the Printing Office
of the subscriber [S. Magill]".
No copy known. [672]
A Political Essay, addressed to the People of Mary-
land, by a Farmer of Caecll County. [thick-thin rule]
Will you have an Embargo, a ruinous War; or, will you
like slaves pay tribute? Think, read and observe. Ob-
serve, read, think and act for yourselves. [thin-thick
rule] Baltimore: Printed In the year of our Lord,
50 p. 20.5 cm. [A]4 B-F4 G2(-G2).
Signed: Aristides.
DLC; MWA. [673]
Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A.
[Catechisms and creed of the members. Baltimore,
Warner & Hanna, 1808]
Advertised in the Baltimore Whig, Aug. 27, 1808, as
"The Members Of the 1st and 2d Presbyterian Churches,
will please to observe that we have published ... An In-
troductory Catechism, For the use of the Presbyterian
Church in Baltimore. Also, The Shorter Catechism,
Agreed upon by the Reverend Assembly of Divines at West-
minster. To which is added, The Creed of the Members.
(Price 12 1-2 cents.) Apply to Warner & Hanna."
No copy known. [674]
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A.
[The Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church