Coward. John Murray. Annapolis, 23d December, 1808.
[Annapolis? 1808]
Reprinted in Gibson's reply, item 735. According to
Gibson, Murray circulated the handbill in secret "for
two days before I could hear or get a sight of it ...
The night before the Legislature went off ... I received
from him one of his bills under cover."
No copy known. [665]
Murray, Lindley.
An Abridgment of L. Murray's English Grammar. With
an Appendix, Containing an Exemplification of the Parts
of Speech, and Exercises in Syntax. Designed for the
younger Classes of Learners, [filet] By Lindley Mur-
ray. [thick-thin rule-, Baltimore: Printed & sold by
Warner & Hanna. [short rule] 1808.
130, [1] p. 13 cm. A-E12 F6.
CtY; MdHi. [666]
The New American Clerk's Magazine, and complete prac-
tical Conveyancer. Containing the most useful and nec-
essary Precedents in Conveyancing, as settled and ap-
proved by the most eminent Conveyancers; with Observa-
tions and References to the Laws, &c. [12 lines] The
whole selected from the Laws, and Draughts of actual
Practice. [thick-thin rule] By a Gentleman of the Bar.
[thin-thick rule] Second Edition revised and corrected.
[thick-thin rule] Hagers-Town: Published by Jacob D.
Dietrlck. [John P. Thomson, Printer. Frederick-Town.]
[row of dots] 1808.
380 p. 21 cm. [a]2 A-2Y4.
Advertised in the Frederick Herald, May 28, 1808, as
"Just Published."
CSmH; CtY; MH; MWA; MdBE; MdBP; PHi; PU-L. [667]
O'Neill, John.
A new and easy System of Geography and Popular As-
tronomy; or, An Introduction to Universal Geography.
Containing [24 lines in 2 columns, separated by verti-
cal double rule] The Whole arranged in Catechetical
Form, designed as well for the use of Schools, as the
Improvement of private Readers. [filet] By John
0'Neill. [thick-thin rule] With additions and improve-
ments by sundry Teachers. [thin-thick rule] Baltimore:
Printed for the Publisher, by G. Dobbin and Murphy, 10