inge, No. 133, Market street and for sale at the Book-
store .n
Cf. item 679.
No copy known. [662]
Muraford, James.
The Catholic Scripturist: or, The Plea of the Roman
Catholics: shewing the Scriptures to hold the Roman
Faith in above Forty of the chief Controversies now
under Debate. tfilet] [3 lines, quotation] [thick-thin
rule-, By J. Mumford, P. S. J. Revised by a Catholic
Clergyman of Baltimore. [thin-thick rule] Baltimore:
Printed by G. Dobbin and Murphy, 10, Baltimore-street.
[row of dotsD 1808.
291 [i.e. 292], [ccxciii]-ccxcvil, [2] p. 18 cm.
A-Z6 (includes sig. V,W).
Parsons 327.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Oct. 12, 1808,
as "This day is Published."
DGU; DLC; MdMwM; Md W; PV. [663]
Munday, William.
An Examination of the Bible; or, an impartial Inves-
tigation of Supernatural & Natural Theology: wherein the
Foundations of True Religion are illustrated and estab-
lished. To which are added, a Rational System of Faith,
and Remarks on the Union of Church and State. [short
thick-thin rule] By William Munday. [short thin-thick
1*0163 [7 lines, quotations] [thick-thin rule-, Balti-
more: Printed for the Author. 1808.
280 p. 17 cm. A-Y6 Z2.
Advertised in the Baltimore Whig, Oct. 8, 1808, as
"now in readiness ... at the Baltimore Circulating Li-
BrMus. c664]
Murray, John.
To the Public. Mr. Jacob Gibson, of the Senate of
Maryland, and of Talbot county, having circulated false
and malicious reports intended to injure my reputation,
and having since, by evasions and cowardly conduct, re-
fused to give me the satisfaction a gentleman under such
circumstances has a right to demand, I therefore publish
him to the world, as an Infamous Slanderer and Paltry