Price 57 1/2 cents.
Advertised in the Baltimore North American, June 8,
1808, as "This day is published—and may be had at the
office of the Subscriber, No. 158, Market street—at
Cole & I. Bonsal«s rooms ... and of John Vance & Co.—-
and Geo. Dobbin & Murphy, booksellers ... Samuel Cole;"
and on June 23, 1808, included in Cole & I. Bonsai's ad-
vertisement, as "Just Published."
No copy known. [659j
Mills, John Henry.
Poetic Trifles, by John Henry Mills. Comedian,
[•thick-thin rule] t6 lines, quotation-] [row of dots] [7
lines, quotation] [thin-thick rule] Baltimore: Printed
by G, Dobbin & Murphy, 10, Market-street, for Cole & I.
Bonsai. rrow of dots] 1808.
116, [14] p. 17 cm. rA-,6 B-L6(L6 blank).
Sabin 49109. Wegelin 1064.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Gazette, June 23,
1&08, as "In the course of next week, will be pub-
lished;" and in the Baltimore Federal Republican, July
15, 1808, as "Subscribers ... are requested to call for
their copies."
CSmH; CtY; DLC; MWA; MdBE; MdBP; MdHi; PHi; PPL-R.
Lobgeslnge zu Ehren dem Heiligen und Gerechten in Is-
rael, und Zur Erbauung des Volks Gottes; wie auch Zum
Gebrauch fur Jederman, der gerne selig werden mflchte.
[short thick-thin rule] In folgender Ordnung zusammen
getragen, nebst einem Register. [thick-thin rule] Hft-
gerstaun: Gedruckt bey Joh. Gruber. 1808.
1 leaf, 212 p. 14 cm. [a]l [A]8 B10 C-K8/10 L-M8.
Seidensticker p. 172. Relchmann 107.
MWA; PPLT; PU. [66l]
Morris, William, defendant.
[Interesting Particulars on the Trials of Wm. Morris,
M. Doherty, Wm. Robertson [Robinson?] and Caleb Doherty,
now under sentence of Death in Baltimore County Jail,
for the Murder of George Workman. Baltimore, G. Keat-
inge, 1808]
Advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, Apr. 6,
1808, as "Just Published, price 6 cents, By George Keat-